Cash flow is the lifeblood of your small business. You need cash coming in regularly to ensure that you can continue operations and pay your staff and bills on time. However, cash flow can be precarious when you’re running a small business and late customer payments or unforeseen costs can cause huge disruption. In addition, … Continue Reading
7 Easy Ways to Cut Business Costs in your Law Firm
Your costs grow along with your small business, but it’s always in your interest to keep costs down where possible. However, overzealous cutting in the wrong areas can lead to a myriad of problems. Keeping costs low is important to maximise your profits and protect your small business against inflation, but you need to know … Continue Reading
Have you ever heard of a ‘director’s loan’ but wondered what it is?
If you’ve heard the phrase ‘director’s loan’ but are not sure exactly what it means, we’ll take a quick look. Director’s loans are actually very common and can be useful when you’re running a business
Ever heard of ‘Trivial Benefits’? If not it might be very useful to you to know about!
HMRC have recently clarified what ‘trivial benefits’ are under the UK tax scheme, how they are logged according to tax, and who can receive them. If you’re a company owner or director, they may be very useful to you in terms of improving staff morale and saying ‘thanks’ when employees go above and beyond for … Continue Reading
The new global tax system
The world’s leading economies have agreed a new tax system that (once the multilateral convention has agreed the final rules) will be in place from 2023. The new global tax system is intended to address the long-running issues of businesses ‘offshoring’ profits. The practice, while legal, has been a bone of contention in many countries. … Continue Reading
The 2021 Autumn Budget
After a difficult few years, the Chancellor’s 2021 Autumn budget was a lot more optimistic than many expected. Rishi Sunak delivered his first budget weeks after taking office following the resignation of his predecessor, Sajid Javid. Rishi has spent much of the subsequent time as, by far, the government’s most popular member. This popularity, however, … Continue Reading
Contactless limit to rise to £100 in October
The payments industry has moved quickly in recent years. You don’t need to be that old to remember things like getting a cashier to print a cheque for signature. Or smaller retailers using manual imprint machines to get your card details. Now, a generation of people are getting their first salaries. But never seeing a … Continue Reading
Late payment penalty regime
HMRC is changing the late payment penalty regime (LPPR). There have always been penalties for late, or non-payment, of taxes, but these have varied between different taxes. The proposed changes are intended to make the penalties “fairer and more consistent” across the tax regime. The changes are being implemented over the next few years, with … Continue Reading
Most common scams
Scams have existed throughout human history, but with the internet and the popularity of smartphones, they have become more and more common. Now, scammers can target hundreds of thousands of people at once. They only need a few people to be unwittingly caught out to make it worth their while. Scams are constantly evolving and … Continue Reading
Next Stage of Digital Tax
Businesses and the self employed should start preparing for the next stage of digital tax before its introduction in 2023. HMRC’s ‘Making Tax Digital’ will already be familiar for VAT-registered businesses who now must keep and submit their records to HMRC using complaint software. Next Stage of Digital Tax expands the scheme to hundreds of … Continue Reading