,In order to help protect them from aggressive rent collections or unfair price hikes, High Street shops and other bricks and mortar organisations under strain during the current lock-down will be protected and rather asked to simply pay what they can as outlined in a recent government statement
“The majority of landlords and tenants are working well together to reach agreements on debt obligations. Some landlords have been putting tenants under undue pressure by using aggressive debt recovery tactics.”
About unfair practices they also added this:
“To stop these unfair practices, the government will temporarily ban the use of statutory demands. (made between 1 March 2020 and 30 June 2020). Also winding up petitions presented from Monday 27 April, through to 30 June. Where a company cannot pay its bills due to coronavirus.
The measures are to help make sure the companies don’t end up in more financial trouble. The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill will also include them. Which the Business Secretary Alok Sharma set out earlier this month. The measures are to help make sure the companies don’t end up in more financial trouble. The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill will also include them.
Tenants will have more time to pay rent, with secondary legislation stopping landlords using the Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery procedure.
This is aimed at safeguarding the high street and the jobs that may be in danger of being lost. At the same time, the government has also called on tenants to pay rent if able to (or as much as they can afford to) in recognition of the strains also felt by commercial landlords.
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